Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Run, jump, sit-up, push-up blah...blah...blah

My post today is for all of you, especially the sportspersons. These are to keep your sports injury slate clean or prevent a recurrence if you have injured before
Some of the tips are:

- Keep your feet as flat as possible during stretches to avoid twisting your knees
- Practice safe landing when you jump; always land with your knees bent
- Warm up before vigorous exercises like running, and even before les vigorous ones like golfing
- Always do warm up stretching exercises before high-impact sports. Target the Achilles tendon, hamstring and quadriceps areas, stretch and hold.
- Cool down when you’ve done. For instance after running on the treadmill, slow down to a walk for about five minutes. Let your pulse come down gradually and your breathing steady before coming to a full stop
- Wear the right shoes for the right sport. Make sure they fit you nice and snug. Get one that provides shock absorption, stability is advised especially if you are doing vigorous sports.
- Avoid bending knees past 90o when doing knee bends
- Avoid running on hard surface like concrete or asphalt. They could be detrimental to your knee and ankle joints. Run on flat surface too, as sprinting uphill increases stress on your legs and Achilles tendon

I think that’ll for now. If you have other tips leave it in Comments

Monday, March 12, 2007


Sending email...

Long time no C...
I have a good tips today...

Send emails from anyone to anyone - simply magic

Yes! you can actually send emails from anyone to anyone! You can send emails to people from their own email address and you won't have to break into their email address account. It's actually very simple, and I'm going to tell you how it's done. Be aware that this is not exactly legal. I'm just saying that it's possible...but....it's not legal....so....I don't encourage you to do it. The person that you are sending emails to.....will receive it from the email that you want it to receive.There is a function in PHP....the mail function. That is used to send e-mails to the people on your site. In order for PHP to work on your computer, you need a Apache server...which can be set up by downloading XAMPP (that is very easy to install). Install xampp fom the folowing link: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html .Then, in order to send a E-mail, you must create a PHP file exactly like this:

< ?php$to = "someone@domain.com";
$subject = "The subject of the message";
$message = "The message you want to send.";
$from = "someone@domain
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Your E-mail Has been sent to ".$to." from ".$from;? >

You just need to modify the content between the quotes of


And your mail is ready!After you run it, you will see a message that says:
Your E-mail Has been sent to recipient_mail from sender_email
Save the file and run it. You can test by sending an e-mail from yourself...to yourself.
But be aware! sending emails to people from false email addresses is not legal!
I do not encourage you to do this! I'm just saying that it's possible and I'm telling you how the e-mail function works in PHP.

Thanks 4 reading,
Source: http://wd-scripts.blogspot.com/

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